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(1 edit) (+2)

Kickstarter supporter here! I've no idea where to leave feedback for the game on Discord, so I'll just leave it here, since Mr. Ryu seems quite diligent in answering questions here.

I gotta say, compared to other games or DD by Ryu himself, the prototype makes my M2 Macbook run QUITE hot! Pretty much the first thing to make this thing break a sweat, so there definitely is some room for optimization.

Also, the UI seems a bit clunky.. The diagonal nature of indoor environments combined with North/East/South/West movement makes for awkward movement. Dialogue and interaction with the "E" key is also a bit weird if you're used to RenPy games...

On top of that, the bar minigame is rather stressful and hectic, time progression seems rather unpredictable, jumping by random amounts when passing from one area to the next and the hunger bar is a bit unusual for a game like this to say the least... I'd suggest making breakfast/Dinner an automatic thing when entering/exiting home, removing hunger entirely and just focusing on money in-game. This is a dating sim and not a survival game after all. Last criticism: We're kicked out of the Demo rather rudely on wednesday.. makes collecting CG's and exploration a bit of a slog to get through. I kind of wish the game demo would let us explore without a time limit...

But for the rest... you've outdone yourself with the concept and the characters! I cannot wait for this thing to be released. There's never been a gay game like it and I wish you all the best with development. Surely hope there will be updated demos until then!

Thanks for your support! <3

You can go setting and lower the resolution. Macbook M2 give Hunky City default 4K resolution... 

Please try to play it on 1920X1080 in beautiful quality. 

I need to think about how to let Mac not give me default 4K... :(

As you know it's a demo, so I need to set a day limit for several reasons. :p

And yes, maybe I should change the angle of the indoor view.

and the hungry value I will do some adjust I think.

anyway, thanks for your feedback and please look forward to the official game out! <3


Does this demo only work with certain phones? I have a Google Pixel 7 Pro with more than enough space, but when I try to install the app it I get told my phone is incompatible. This is the first time I've run into this problem and I don't know if I'm missing something :(

Btw, I really enjoyed your past work Dead Dating and I'm excited to see what you achieve with this new project.

thanks, I’m glad you like Dead Dating. And I think I need to updated my Android SDK, Agha…..

BTW, can you play dead dating android version?

If you could it might because Hunky City android now is 32bit version, then it will be easy to upgrade!

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Yes, I can still play Dead Dating on my current phone. Thank you for the response 

I looked into it, and my phone doesn't support 32 bit games. Makes sense because I couldn't download an emulator I used to use with my old phone. I guess it only supports 64 bit apps :/

Thanks for the feedback, I will update it asap. ;)


Is there going to be any difference if you purchase on kickstarter or in I did mine on kickstarter

You will be able to get the bonus game via the Kickstarter campaign, and it won't be included in the official game when it is released on :)


Hey, first of all, the game is awesome!

In the demo, for the tasks that say "in dev", are those available at all? via patreon? I see it says try out prototype there.

Just wondering if there is a difference or not?


Hey, Thanks for playing the demo and I'm glad you like it. :D
The prototype is also an in-development version, it's not too different from the current Demo version.

But it will be updated in the prototype version.

Please look forward to the official version and don't forget to pre-order the official version on Kickstarter. ;)


Ok cool thanks. I have already pre ordered mine off kickstarter. Look forward to it. I see its doing well. 

Many thanks for your support,, please look forward to the official game publish! <3


Is the art used in this AI?

(4 edits) (+6)

Of course NOT! They all are HAND DRAW by our artist P.C.H. ;)


Okay thank you. It's hard for me to tell what's AI and what's not.


Just wanted to ask if the characters are meant to be "Blue"? Added a screenshot down below. I am running the macOS version.


I've found that all the characters you interact with that have story attached to them are blue like that.  Anyone else that has an actual skin on them is either you or random strangers.

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Blue models will be updated as their characters in further updates. :p


Well that kinda sucks.  I'm going to miss the blue guys.  It made it so much easier to find the stories.




Pledged the Digital Art Pack!

Thank you for creating this, Mr. Ryu. I'm very much looking forward to exploring every inch (pun intended) of Hunky City! :)

Thanks for your support and kind words, we will do our best!

(1 edit) (+3)

Lewis‘s "sleeping"  CG’s private parts is a little bit heigher than the body part.


Oops! I will fixed it! :p


what is the deference between Patreon and Kickstarter? i did Patreon will that give me the game when it comes out or do i need to do Kickstarter instead  

(1 edit)

First, many thanks for your support! 
My Patreon is for supporting my Artwork and also able to play "Early Prototype". 

But to get the official game it still needs to purchase from, so the Kickstarter campaign is a good choice. :D


I don't know how but I got hit by a car... in the parking lot of the strip club. Was that supposed to happen? Did someone back their car out of the parking space into me? lol Or is it supposed to happen that just going by a car can land you in the hospital?

It's a bug, I will fix it and update a new demo on 30th. :p

I figured haha I just thought I'd be funny about reporting it. Thanks! 


I don't know if this is in the works, but being able to choose your position in sexual situations would be very appealing.


I will let PCH know. and we will try our best. ;)


Yeah, it would be very cool and appealing! For me, it would be best if Andrew would be only bottom, but maybe others think differently 😄


Got it! ;)


The sex organs in cg are a little monotonous and ordinary, can they be made more exquisite?


I will let our Artist know. thanks for the feedback. :)


And more diverse


I don't know if it's a bug, but I'm following the main story and when I get to the point where I have to meet Chris to get into the club demo ends. The demo only counts me three days and not four.

Yes, the demo is stop when you into the Day 4.


I did everything in the Stefan guide in Discord and still I can't get the last two CGS because it ends on the third day and I can't meet with Chris at 5pm :c

Because that's further content and only in the official version. please look forward to it! :D


I see. thank you so much


How come I couldn't close the map and also the drink combination book? I didn't see anything to close them so I'm stuck after opening them, I try to use back icon on my phone but it didn't close it


Thanks for the feedback, I will check this. Android, right? :)


Yes, I try to play it on android. But I think imma also try it on windows later. Btw great game!! Can't wait to see more!!

Thank you! <3



(1 edit) (+1)

Just started playing the demo for now. I'm curious since it asked me if I've played Dead Dating before. AM I missing out on some content if I didn't play it? (Only played the demo of it) ..I'm thinking on purchasing Dead Dating but I just wanna ask first :) Nice Demo so far. definitely will buy Hunky City!  Cozy gameplay actually.

It's okay if you haven't played Dead Dating. they are two different stories. :)


So interesting game but it has a bunch of glaring issues

First the warf stairs clip you through  map

Second at the meat market a parked car can hospitalise you

third the mixing guide is wrong and sometimes even if i give the right combination on time the customer is still angry. also, quite an  aggressive first night i suggest putting a choice between easier and harder option so you can get used to it, with different payments.

forth -You should inform some times that certain actions will involve huge time skips

fifth - i takes almost an hour to get from the front of my building to my room -_-


You can clip throuth the station 

i really dont think entering a building shoul cost 15 minutes

at night the statue in front of the station shines abnormally bright


Burke wont light up in citizens after meeting him


Also there should be prompt to confirm leaving to title screen, because this game doesn't have autosaves (yet?)


who drew the models?

My friend P.C.H. and here is his Patreon. ;)
PCH | Creating NSFW art for the upcoming dating sim game Hunky City | Patreon

(1 edit) (+1)

Love the art! Looks like it will be an interesting game!

Thank you, please look forward to it! <3


How do I reset my progress? I got soft locked on Lewis scenes after seeing him in bed first. Now I can't get shower scene. Tried reloading and starting a new game, but doesn't work.

Bugs aside, this looks great so far. Excited to see more

To delete the save file, you need to delete this folder
C:\Users\user\AppData\LocalLow\Barasia\Hunky City Demo
I will check this bus asap, thanks for the feedback. ;)

Why is it so hard to find the park???

Are you not using maps?

(1 edit)

i get explanations in chinese when i run the english version.  

Enjoy the demo so far. But i do have a question, how do you find Diva the cat, i’ve been looking everywhere in the park?

You need to talk to a person on a bench


I like this but a problem I have with it is it's inconsistently laggy.

You can go to Setting and lower resolution and graphic quality. :)

Deleted 1 year ago

The stairs shouldn't be able to walk in... lol

I will block it. :p


I thought there would be an event where people drown in the ocean.:)



I would like to know how to purchase and install this game. There are no games in the installation tab

The demo will be released on 20 Oct, so you can't download it yet. :)


i have been playing the demo because i loved dead dateing. Just two things though.. i've been playing the same bit over and over because there are so many "back to..." options or "exit game" on every screen when you click the bag... i eat something ... accidentally click exit and there is no "are you sure you want to exit the game? unsaved progress will be lost" for example.

also, the eating energy situation, is too often it will get abit annoying. but other than that, i love it so far. 

Thanks for your feedback, I already added the chicking pop window for that. :p

You can buy many snacks with you. so you don't need to worry about if you are hungry. :)


Damn looks cool to play plus the men was so 🔥🔥🔥 love all the idea that you put in your Twitter! I'm sure this will be a success!🔥 Hope we can get a demo because I'm freaking excited now!!!


Thank you for your encouragement. We plan to release the demo by the end of this month. Please stay tuned. :)


Where can i get it? Demo?

The demo is still in-development. :)

Paying and joining discord now. €10,= monthly

The code-execution cannot be continued because unityplayer.dll cannot be found. you might solve this problem by reinstalling the program, is what i keep getting when downloading windows version

Hey, the demo is still in development so there is nothing you can download from this page yet.
Our Discord is free to join, please make sure you visit the correct one. :)


hello mr ryu , im wonder if this game will be available on ios .and if it  will ,will it have nsfw contents on ios as well ?

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Yes, it will. but the NSFW version will be published by "Test Flight" and buy key here, same as Dead Dating. :)

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any requirement to the phone , mine is Xs and iso 15. iirc 

I haven't started to do the iOS transfer testing work yet, but I think it should be fine. :D


Congratulations on opening  official page! We are looking forward to the future progress ♪

Thank you! please look forward to it! <3


How to download?

The demo is still in development, please add it to your collection to get the update news when it released! <3


It's not installing, is it closed?

It didn’t start yet, please add it to your collection to get further update news. ;)


my only complaint so far is getting around. fast travel would be great.


Maybe add a Segway? lol


Looking forward to this, you did such a great job with dead dating =)

Heh heh, Thanks for your support and help! love ya! <3


So excited for this! Keep up the amazing work!



Multiple love interests at once? Excellent, it's what everyone always wants in these games, but we never get. 

So just take my money! 




Can't wait for its release! Thanks for developing games like Dead Dating, I am big fan. I will support the new one!

Thank you! We will do our best to make a fun new game, please look forward to it! :D


Well, it's just cruel to make me waiting! But, truth be told, I really glad that you making new game! Dead Dating was really good!

Thank you, I'm glad you like Dead Dating.
And I hope you will like our new game as well please look forward to it! :)

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