Hii! I would like to start by saying how much i love this game! Honestly, keep on slaying! But, every time i play the Tetris game and the timer runs out, it keeps on crashing the game. Like it says "Time's up" but i can not do anything else.. could help me pls! :)
I play on the Windows version! It did the same thing a few days ago while i was working at the bar, but it seems fine now :) But it keeps on crashing on Tetris...
This has also just started for me too, and it was the first time i got to lvl 5 on it. like pressing Q to move your mission list still works but it's just playing the music and the tetris board is still up
Hi Ryu, nice game! However my game bugged at Trent's balcony party. The first time the swimming pool did not show, and I could not talk to anyone in there. So I left and reloaded the game, and this time the music changed back to the music in Lewis' House and my whole screen is blue. What should I do about it... I only have this one saved file...
When will it be available for purchase on Steam? If the price is the same, will there be an Android-compatible E-Guide Access Card available for purchase on Steam?
Hi, The Steam version is still under review. We hope it can be made before 30 OCT. and the E-Guide is only web version. we are not familiar of the Steam version yet. but the Steam version game is only the Windows version. :)
Just got the game yesterday, it has fantastic potential but still missing a ton of content probably due to the game being in early release. I'm expecting more in the future, keep it up!
Also a suggestion, please make the game easier in terms of getting some specific CGs, it's quite easy to miss some and I'm honestly just too lazy and has no time to replay the game from one. It would be a good idea too to get money easier, or at least make everything cheaper. Gifts and dates are too expensive, it's making the game very grindy which is my main issue.
Hi Ryu, first i ABSOLUTELY love this game and its SUCH good idea after Dead Dating, like your are Geniuses <3 insane you are doing it with your duo. Props to that. I have a little issue with Trent. So i have maxed my interest with him to 20. As i finished beach kiss scene etc. There should be ''Drinking Mission'' but IT doesnt trigger anything else BUT interest getting higher. Like i have 23 with Trent i think it shouldnt work like that right? 20 is max and the last thing is Confession right. <3 Thanks for any tips or help <3
Chris run out when i peekaboos Hassan, meet Hassan in the gym on early morning ,but after dont interact with him, possibly is bug ? Can try second time this mission ?
I saw a comment of yours where you mentioned there'll be DLC in the future for this game. Is that included in this one time purchase? I'm still on the fence of buying the game, I dislike in-app purchases.
You might need to save money to your PayPal account first, then pay by your PayPal Account Balance. Steam is an NSFW version but it's not allowed to publish in China and Germany. :-/
I think its a matter of saves. Had the mission but wanted to load few days back and he stopped appearing. Also the mission of the love potion didnt trigger. Might be a problem in the checks when you load a game and want to change decisions.
How do I talk to Gary more? The only option I have is "Bye" and "Chat" when im in the police station which loops the same convo about just looking around over and over.
For the club membership at the s*x shop, it doesn’t show up. I passed the required event but didn’t have the money to buy it back then. But when I back to buy it, it doesn’t show up. Help!
I already purchased the game. And i would like you to add a function that allows me to go back and watch the cutscene with the text as I first saw it. Pleaseee. 🥺
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It's a reminder message I guess.
The season 1 is finished and season 2 has not started to design yet. but I will consider all feedbacks I got from players. :)
Thank you
It means you need to download the newer version. ;)
Hunky City dosen't support Pad yet, please play it on PC or your phone. :)
that`s sad,anyway,thx;)
Hii! I would like to start by saying how much i love this game! Honestly, keep on slaying! But, every time i play the Tetris game and the timer runs out, it keeps on crashing the game. Like it says "Time's up" but i can not do anything else.. could help me pls! :)
Hey Kev,
Thanks! But I have no idea why you are stuck in the Tetris game... it never happens on my device...
May I know which platform version you played?
I play on the Windows version! It did the same thing a few days ago while i was working at the bar, but it seems fine now :) But it keeps on crashing on Tetris...
This has also just started for me too, and it was the first time i got to lvl 5 on it. like pressing Q to move your mission list still works but it's just playing the music and the tetris board is still up
Yes! i dont know whats after level 4, at 5 it stops working..
Because your device memory has been running out.
6GB empty memories. ;)
該不會就跟Dead dating一樣
而且越玩越单调。打工换CG看看而已。有时也不知道怎么触发剧情。我gary 22亲密度也不知道该做什么了。该不会是bug吗?
is the game done? not sure if i should purchase this now or wait til its fully realeased..or does buying it now also get me all future updates?
The main game is done and Future updates are free. you can purchase it now. ;)
Please send an email to service@fymmg.com :)
电影院等 约会地点在哪解锁 我只解锁了2个餐厅
Visit our Discord and you will find your answer. ;)
Hi Ryu,
I've already purchased the package, but my friend gave me another one, what should I do with the extra game?
You might need to ask your friend to contact support@itch.io to to request a refund.
Hello guys,
May I ask? if I would like to get a verification key to play on iPhone and I purchase package £12.99 GBP, Will I get the key to play on iPhone?
Thank you 🙏🏻
Yes, the Key is for PC, Mobiles. ;)
Hi Ryu, nice game! However my game bugged at Trent's balcony party. The first time the swimming pool did not show, and I could not talk to anyone in there. So I left and reloaded the game, and this time the music changed back to the music in Lewis' House and my whole screen is blue. What should I do about it... I only have this one saved file...
I'm not sure why, but sounds like your game resource file is messy.
Please try to back up your save data to the cloud first. and then uninstall your game then install again.
Hi Ryu, the game freezes in Kai's sex scene after Kai's confession, showing only CG and can't do anything else.
both PC and Android versions
It shouldn't happends again in the new version, please try
1. uninstall the game (Back up save data to the cloud first)
2. Download again the new version
3. New install. :)
Hi Ryu,
I tried what you said, uninstalled the game and installed the latest version (win) via itch app. But the problem still occurs.
it still freezes at CG, and can hear sounds (traffic) from street (background sound).
It's never happens on my device so it's hard to know how to adjustment it. although I already did.
You can try to click it very slowly in the scene... :(
I tried to click it very slowly before the scene and it worked. Thanks Ryu. :)
No Korean language support at moment, sorry...:(
are there nsfw scenes. *cross fingers. doesnt say it in the discription
Ofcause! ;)
Hi Ryu,我昨天买了这个游戏,可以正常游玩,我很喜欢。今天,我再次想玩这个游戏时,游戏却无法进入,游戏启动后处于黑屏状态,随后就直接跳转到《死亡约会》的网页。我如何解能正常进入游戏?(PS. 我玩的是PC win 版本)
Hi, please make sure your internet is working. maybe use VPN?
When will it be available for purchase on Steam? If the price is the same, will there be an Android-compatible E-Guide Access Card available for purchase on Steam?
Hi, The Steam version is still under review. We hope it can be made before 30 OCT. and the E-Guide is only web version. we are not familiar of the Steam version yet. but the Steam version game is only the Windows version. :)
Just got the game yesterday, it has fantastic potential but still missing a ton of content probably due to the game being in early release. I'm expecting more in the future, keep it up!
Also a suggestion, please make the game easier in terms of getting some specific CGs, it's quite easy to miss some and I'm honestly just too lazy and has no time to replay the game from one. It would be a good idea too to get money easier, or at least make everything cheaper. Gifts and dates are too expensive, it's making the game very grindy which is my main issue.
Thanks for the feedback. we will think about it. :)
What engine did you use to make this?
Unity. ;)
Hi Ryu, first i ABSOLUTELY love this game and its SUCH good idea after Dead Dating, like your are Geniuses <3 insane you are doing it with your duo. Props to that. I have a little issue with Trent. So i have maxed my interest with him to 20. As i finished beach kiss scene etc. There should be ''Drinking Mission'' but IT doesnt trigger anything else BUT interest getting higher. Like i have 23 with Trent i think it shouldnt work like that right? 20 is max and the last thing is Confession right. <3 Thanks for any tips or help <3
you should get his message, please check your phone. ;)
And thanks for your warm encouragement. ❤️
Cannot open the game, it will flash and crashed after one minute
It means your memory has been run out, were you playing Mobile version?
Mini-games at construction sites are so difficult. Is there any way to get to level 7 a little easier? Time is too short.
You don't need to go to level 7, 6 is enough to unlock the last CG.
But.. the guide book says there is level 7 or above and can unlock other CG. Is guide book wrong?
sorry, I for got to change it… because I lower the request. Now is Level 4, Level5 and Level 6. I will fix the guide. ❤️
I need some help with finding where the dark tube is, i've tried looking all over the map but i can't find the plac
I hope you look for an abandoned subway station.
never mind, i didn't look there because i didn't know to walk in to the what i believed was a blocked of area
I bought the guide but can't seem to find the glory hole scene trigger.
I got it at 10pm, park toilet, you can have a try
Chris run out when i peekaboos Hassan, meet Hassan in the gym on early morning ,but after dont interact with him, possibly is bug ? Can try second time this mission ?
Come to our Discord, you will find your answer there. ;)
I really like the demo. Is this going to be a one time purchase all the way through?
Yes, it's one time payment game.
I saw a comment of yours where you mentioned there'll be DLC in the future for this game. Is that included in this one time purchase? I'm still on the fence of buying the game, I dislike in-app purchases.
Yeah, There are still 3 free DLCs and included in this payment.
You might need to save money to your PayPal account first, then pay by your PayPal Account Balance. Steam is an NSFW version but it's not allowed to publish in China and Germany. :-/
Please visit our Discord, there are many useful guides you can find. ;)
I'm a player in China which wants to buy this game, but I can't pay... how can I buy it?
You can try to use PayPal, save money to PayPal first and then pay by PayPal.
Paypal still can't not work, cuz I don't have VISA card....so there is no other way to pay it now?
I like it very much, I will continue to support the game. (I play on macOS)
Thanks for your encouragement, it warms my heart!<3
how can I get verification code ?
You need to purchase the game to get the key.
How earn date with Hassan, if i chose bad answer on the xxx club ?
Please visit our Discord, you will find your answer there. ;)
Quest Love potion, Im waiting for christ at Club 10pm as he told me. but nothing happen
You must did st wrong, maybe 11pm?
Hi! Sean is not triggering, he isn't appearing at the time he should in the park
Except on Wednesdays. He won't be in the park on Wednesdays. ;)
I think its a matter of saves. Had the mission but wanted to load few days back and he stopped appearing. Also the mission of the love potion didnt trigger. Might be a problem in the checks when you load a game and want to change decisions.
Your save file might be broken. better start a new game.
For the current game structure, it's impossible. I will try to mak the sex scene repeatly. ;)
How do I talk to Gary more?
The only option I have is "Bye" and "Chat" when im in the police station which loops the same convo about just looking around over and over.
Come visit our Discord, you will find your answer there. ;)
For the club membership at the s*x shop, it doesn’t show up. I passed the required event but didn’t have the money to buy it back then. But when I back to buy it, it doesn’t show up. Help!
I will recheck this, thanks for the feedback. but for now, you might need to start a new game. :-/
is this the nsfw version ?
Yes. ;)
I already purchased the game. And i would like you to add a function that allows me to go back and watch the cutscene with the text as I first saw it. Pleaseee. 🥺
I agree, it would be nice if the gallery allowed to rewatch the full scenes instead of just the pictures