Dead Dating v0.3.8 is released.

Dead Dating v 0.3.8b is released.

Public version

  • ✩ Public version Rescue mission will be released soon.
  • ✩ Mobile version added 16:10 screen option. (In the setting menu)

R18 DLC version

  • ✩ Rescue mission (William)
  • ✩ Fixed stuck issue. (Yuji & Bruto's rescue mission)


📦 Dead Dating (Windows) 0.3.8b 439 MB
Mar 21, 2022
📦 Dead Dating (Android) 0.3.8b 485 MB
Mar 21, 2022
📦 Dead Dating (Mac) 0.3.8b 445 MB
Mar 21, 2022

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Deleted 97 days ago

Hey Javesc99

Thanks for your support, we will send a key to your register email. :D


How can I get  R18  version?

Send an email to with your username :)


This makes me so happy.


I'm glad for it makes you feel happy. :)


Hi, Mr, Ryu

How can I get DLC code?

Send an email to with your username :)


Hi Mr. Ryu,

May I ask how to join your Discord?

I 'd like to sponsor it and get the DLC code in the future.

And also follow the latest news of the game.


For DLC you just need to send an email to with your username :)
Join the discord link here:

Is there a way to share the saves to over systems? I also had the black screen when i tried to open it on PC. So I plaeyd on mac. But now i know how to start it on PC and want to continue on PC.

You need to launch the game via the itch app. :)


I bought the game but i don't know why every time i open the game the screen of the game goes black and it won't let me do anything but stare at a black screen

You need to launch the game via the itch app.
itch App


How do I get the uncensored version?


I'm also curious about getting the uncensored version. I was part of the April Patreon Campaign and the original early access version takes me to a dead page in the app.


For previous campaign sponsor, please check your sponsor database to get the DLC key. for new player, R18 will be activate when the development is done, please look forward to it.


Thank you muchly for the response! I wasn't able to find where to input the CD key, but I've found it now. <3


You're welcome! <3

Hi what to do when I get this error? 

"App not installed as package conflicts with an existing package" 

I already deleted the previous version but still doesn't work. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated! 

please try to uninstall and deleted old version apk.