Dead Dating Spanish and Japanese demo(Win) is out!

Hey guys! 
The new "Demo" of Spanish and Japanese version is released! We tried to use ChatGPT Paid API to do the translation tasks.
Hopefully you can tell us if the result is good or not, that will be super helpful! :D


🌈Dead Dating R18 Demo | Windows (nsfw) 336 MB
Jun 06, 2023

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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey,M.Ryu. The game files are blocked? When the download is going to finish it puts "forbbiden"😨

(1 edit)

I'm afraid I don't understand your question, can you post your screen capture, please?

All game file is downloadable well now, don't worry. :)


You need to unlock "Trust Unknow applications" in your mobile setting. :)


It's weird because I have it activated. I downloaded other games and only happened with Dead Dating this time when I was going to download the game again

I have no idea why, can you try to download it by a different mobile browser?

(1 edit) (+1)

I know this is not the same game but I just to sharing your game to people on school's computer. 😂😂😂

(P.S. I have changed this for a month and noone change it. ☠️☠️☠️)

Hello, I am that poor lucky guy who has oppo 2020 who can't played your game.

(1 edit)

lol, where did you get this image? it was a long long long time ago concept... lol


I'm just searched hunky city on the google and it showed me this. 😂😂😂


Hello! I'm glad this news about translation!

but this JP translation is... awful.

I hope I can help about that!

Anyway I'm lookin' forward. thank you

Really? oh no! lol

I will release all Japanese and Spanish dialogues to let players correct them... :p


Thank you XD


still no DLC yet, been waiting for long time :<

At the end of July should be released Don's DLC. :D






0.52 is the Japanese full translation version. Please try it and give us your feedback! :D




Thank you! <3

Deleted 1 year ago

Please look forward to it, I will try my best! :D


Hola, instalé la actualización y me dejó iniciar el juego, pero en las opciones de lenguaje solo aparece "japonés" con opción (no me aparece para ponerlo en español)

Hey Juan, sorry I can;t speak Spanish so I use translation to try to understand your question.

I just tested and the Spanish version is work. :)


I think when reinstalled i downloaded another version haha. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for answering!

No worries! ;)



(2 edits) (-1)

remove all games and reinstall it could solve the problem...
I guess two windows demos cause itch app system bug, I already make it only one demo now. :)